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    and we welcome new Members!

      Garden bylaws


      We are assessing plot spaces and will be able to address this shortly. New members are asked to participate actively in garden activities and complete garden requirements before receiving a key and/or being assigned a plot space. Please do not pay for a garden plot/space before it is assigned.

      Plot Committee: All plot holders will be asked to participate in the perimeter committee.


      • 1. Complete a Membership Application. (Enrollment typically runs from April through October.)
      • 2. Attend a brief (15 minutes) new member Garden orientation
      • 3. Join and contribute to at least one Committee.
      • 4. Participate in (5) workdays per season – typically beginning at 10 am on the 2nd Saturday of each month. Members unable to attend scheduled workdays should work with their Committee Chair to create an individual work plan.
      • 5. Attend 5 meetings per season – either General Membership (2nd Saturday of the month) or Committee (as scheduled).
      • 6. Keys to La Plaza Cultural are distributed by Committee Chairs, at their discretion, once new members have completed 25 hours of volunteer time. The replacement key fee is $15.
      • 7. Pay $35 membership dues, and if applicable, a $35 plot fee. Plot holders have to come t at least 3 meetings


      • 1. Leave No Trace: Please take your garbage with you when you leave.
      • 2. Lockup: If you’re the last member of our, please clear the garden and lock it up behind you.
      • 3. Supervise Your Children: All children must be supervised by an adult at all times, in all places. La Plaza Cultural is not responsible for the injury of any person inside the garden.
      • 4. Stay on the Paths: Please respect our members’ plots by not walking on them or picking anything that is not yours.
      • 5. Nothing into the Pond, Nothing Out: Do not throw things into the pond, and do not remove anything from the pond.
      • 6. No Feeding the Critters: We have members designated to feed the fish, the turtle, and the birds. Feral cats are not to be fed!!
      • 7. Schedule Events: All events must comply with Green Thumb’s pandemic rules. Generally, any event with over 12 people must be reserved in advance at
      • 8. Dogs on Leash: Keep dogs leashed at all times and curb your dog. No toileting is allowed in La Plaza. Pets are not allowed in the sandbox or anywhere in the plot area.
      • 9. No Alcohol: Alcohol is prohibited.
      • 10. No Amplified Sound: Amplified sound is also prohibited, except by Board permission and NYC permit.
      • 11. Do unto Others: Aggressive or threatening behavior will lead to membership revocation.
      • 12. Mind Your Belongings: Personal belongings may not be stored at La Plaza, and the garden is not responsible for personal items.
      • 13. No Smoking: Smoking anywhere in the garden is prohibited at all times.
      • 14. Keys: Members may not loan out keys or have them duplicated. Keys are distributed only to those who have completed the requisite requirements for membership.
      La Plaza Photo Gallery
      La Plaza Photo Gallery

      La Plaza website is designed by: flowers: Juriel Furukawa, inspired by the artist Rolando Politi; custom wordpress theme by Anselm Dästner;
      If you have any photos or stories that you can to contribute to this website, please contact me here
      headline font "laPlaza" homegrown by AntsFonts, work in progress